Strategy for Post-Covid Recovery, Business Leadership for The New Era and Approach for Potential Investment

The School of Business (SB-IPB) again held the 9th Online Business Talk Series (BTS) which was attended by around 150 participants on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. This webinar presented two speakers who were also alumni of the SB IPB DMB, namely Dr. Bambang Siswaji who delivered the topic “Investment Approach to Support the Recovery of Economy Affected by Covid-19” and Dr. Irvandi Gustari, SE, MBA which discusses “Effectiveness of Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management”.
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The webinar was opened by the moderator, namely Asaduddin Abdullah, MSc who is a SB-IPB Lecturer at exactly 13.00 WIB. The event began with the appearance of IPB and SB-IPB profile videos, then remarks by Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, MS as the Dean of SB-IPB, and continued with the presentation of the two speakers.
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President Director of PNM Investment Management, Dr. Bambang Siswaji started his presentation by showing a circular flow of income and explaining that GDP growth is currently declining, causing a contraction in the second quarter of 2020. The decline in the world economy was already felt before the pandemic from 3.6% to 2, 9% in 2019. In his discussion, he also emphasized the importance of knowing the causes of the crisis so that he can handle it properly. He focuses on the scope of companies, the labor market, households, and the market for goods and services because they represent real sector activities, reflect production activities, and real income from this sector. The flows that can increase volume are investment, government spending, and exports, which are then called injection. Meanwhile, the flows that reduce volume are savings, taxes, and imports, which are then called leakages. The occurrence of contraction indicates that during this pandemic, injection is less than leakages.
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Pak Bambang also explained that there had been a negative multiplier effect during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has a successive impact on all areas of business because it is related to one another. At times like this, it also triggers an increase in unemployment which will create vulnerabilities if not addressed immediately. The government has made solutions, one of which is the Economic Recovery Program in terms of expansionary fiscal policy, monetary policy by BI, and financial institutions. This program is budgeted for 695.2 trillion rupiahs for health, social, sectoral, MSMEs, business incentives, and corporate financing. Based on this, it is hoped that financial institutions can continue to support investment in corporations, and consumption and production are expected to survive or even increase.
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In current conditions, the main challenge that must be faced and corrected is low consumer confidence. Consumer confidence has the potential to increase or the possibility of spending when watching the economy increase, the capital market index increases, and the main problem is that this pandemic is reduced. Therefore, the government must be the main manager of the program well. The program being designed must be clear and its targets must also be clear. The government can also be more active in making direct investments in health, agriculture, tourism, simple housing, and infrastructure to convince consumers because these sectors will stimulate an increase in GDP.
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He also explained related investment in the capital market, investment risks, and benefits of mutual funds. Investing during a pandemic has the potential to trigger positive sentiment in the community. This is reinforced by his explanation that the capital market index will grow in correlation with GDP growth. So, now is the right time for investors to enter. In essence, the government needs to work with various parties to restore consumer and business confidence. He even added that this pandemic could be used to reset the economy and revive it based on competitive, environmentally friendly, and social advantages.

The presentation was continued by Mr. Irvandi. It begins with an explanation regarding Indonesia’s current economic growth which is minus since December 2019 at -1.74 percent and continues to decline until June 2020 by 4.19 percent. This negative growth indicates that Indonesia could experience a prolonged recession. However, this situation should not make people give up. Indonesia’s economic decline is not as bad as other countries it is still better than that of neighboring Malaysia. In this crisis there are three questions, he explained. What do we want to do now? What can we do now? The condition when we don’t know what to do? Uncertainty in this crisis condition requires tactical leadership methods. Leadership styles are generally divided into three, namely authoritarian, participative.
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Among the many types of leadership that can be formed, this way of leadership

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Business Talk Series (BTS): Coping Behavior of Individuals and Families Against The Covid-19 Pandemic

Bogor, 29 June 2020 – School of Business IPB University (SB-IPB) is back holding a Business Talk Series

(BTS) seventh edition on Monday (29/6). SB-IPB collaborates with the faculty Human Ecology IPB University (FEMA IPB) have the opportunity to host the Webinar Series fifth held by the Asian Association forConsumer Interest and Marketing (AACIM) in collaboration with the London School of

Public Relations (LSPR), Airlangga University (UNAIR), Ten Institute of Technology November (ITS), STIE Perbanas, and BPKN. This webinar raises the topic “Coping Behavior of Individuals and Families Against

The Covid-19 Pandemic “. Five were invited to this webinar the speakers, namely (1) Ir. Yahya Agung Kuntadi, MM explained about this Quo Vadis The Rational Thinking in Covid19 Pandemic (2) Dr. Ir. Dwi Hastuti, M.Sc talk about shaping the character of HR in the TUNA era (3) Dr. Megawati Simanjuntak, SP, M.Si raised the topic of Strategy Coping Indonesian Families Facing The Covid-19 Pandemic (4) Prof. Dr. Ir. Yosini Deliana, MS explained about the shift Patterns of Consumer Spending during the Pandemic Covid-19; and (5) Dr. Yudha Heryawan Asnawi, MM who closed the webinar session with a discussion related to Social Facts during the Covid-19 Pandemic from an ethical and business point of view.


The webinar was opened by the presenter of the SB IPB undergraduate students namely Neldo and Maria Jacklyn right at 08.30 WIB. The event started by presenting the profile videos of the Business School, FEMA, and AACIM then continued by singing the song Indonesia Raya. After that, the speech by Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, MS as Dean of SB IPB and Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc as President of AACIM.


Afterwards, the webinar was taken over by Moderators, namely Hanif and Fitry Primadona. One by one the speaker is given the opportunity for ten minutes to explain their respective material, then continued with a discussion session filled with several questions from the participants on

each session.


Ir. Yahya Agung Kuntadi, MM said that the flow of thoughts possessed by humans can classified into two types namely rational and emotional. Rational thought rests on logic in response to phenomena that are analyzed with a certain process and temporarily arranged the mind emotional rests on feelings that are analyzed quickly and there are no standard rules. Thought rational is needed by humans to make a decision in the midst of such uncertain conditions. This is the case at this time during the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, Dr. Ir. Dwi Hastuti focuses on the psychological impact experienced by the family which also results by the Covid-19 pandemic. “The solution to face the new era is how to create the environment free from stress and try to manage it, stimulate the brain with happy hormones, relaxation with light motor activity, as well as eating good food. Furthermore,it is also important to build positive emotions and create sources of happiness in the family because emotion is the energy to communicate, to spread positive energy around family lifeand society. ” He said. Megawati Simanjuntak SP, M.Si said that the family is the smallest unit that is affected covid-19, mainly from the economic condition or the income side. The changes that occur cause many workers were laid off or laid off. “Based on data from the SEMRU Research Institute There has been an increase in the percentage of poor families in Indonesia due to the Covid-19 pandemic from 8.2% to 15.4%, besides that, family feelings also showed worse results. Therefore, each family must do a coping strategy by limiting expenses and adding stream of income “he said.



Prof. Dr. Ir. Yosini Deliana, MS said that the shift in spending patterns was caused by the economy

who are disturbed by layoffs. “The spending patterns of various types of consumers during this pandemic can be seen from the aspect of income, products purchased, how to shop, and the focus of the goods purchased. Between generations also have their respective preferences. However, there are things that don’t change in the new era, for example there must be experiential value, the desire to get a fair price, and consider the advantages and shortcomings. ” He explained. Meanwhile, Dr. Yudha Heryawan Asnawi said that the virtual market is expanding causing market deconstruction to shift from voluntary exchange become an ambiguity exchange, thus creating a coercive market or “forced market” and power reinforcement that suppresses consumer resilience. Therefore, a rule or

institutions that maintain morals and ethics in business that fulfill three things, namely supporting existence humans, social systems, and the space of live. The webinar ended at 11:30 am with a closing statement from Prof. Ujang Sumarwan as president of AACIM



SB-IPB BUSINESS TALK SERIES #3: “Talent Management: Tool for Business Resilience & Employee Engagement in The Perspective of Productivity Improvement”

The third of Business Talk Series (BTS) was successfully carried out online on Sunday , 17 May 2020 with 400 participants. The theme discussed in this webinar was related to human resource management, namely “Talent Management: Tool for Business Resilience” and “Employee Engagement in The Perspective of Productivity Improvement” by inviting two speakers, namely Achmad Ardianto as Director, Executive Vice President of Human Resource and Security. PT Freeport Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Ir. Syamsul Ma’arif, M.Eng, Dipl.Ing, DEA as Chair of the SB IPB Postgraduate Study Program. The moderator for the third edition of BTS is Harri Kuswanda, who is the AVP Performance and Corporate Culture of BP Jamsostek.

Talent management is an important factor for businesses to survive and achieve business success. The resilience of a business is determined by its ability to adapt to environmental demands and changes that occur. The key to the success of an organization or business to survive lies in the quality possessed by human resources in it, starting from the individual level to the group level.

In business resilience, there are two important things to consider, namely market dependence (competitiveness) and industrial turbulence (speed of change). In the era of crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this includes industrial turbulence, a very rapid change occurs in the business environment so that companies that are willing to survive must be able to quickly adapt. 

Organizational failure is usually determined by the leadership or the nature of the organization itself. Talented people are those who are able to carry out organizational transformation and are oriented in the future. According to the informants, in an effort to deal with change, there are three main things, namely from humans, organizations and technology. However, the main key of these three things is in human quality.

Quality humans will create value for a good organization, and are able to use technology appropriately. Talented humans must abound in mindset, heart-set, and skill-set. Humans are intelligent, work sincerely, and are agile in carrying out their duties in an organization or business. Talent management is able to find and create talents that can detect future jobs. This kind of talent is able to capture, build, and apply knowledge that can be used to deal with crises that are not usually experienced by organizations or businesses because they are able to creatively detect things that can be done to overcome crises.

The topic presented by the second speaker was more specific about employee engagement in the perspective of increasing productivity. The orientation of the business is indeed profit (in broad terms, both for the company and the environment and society) which can be achieved by increasing productivity. 

The best way to increase productivity is to invest in human resources. Basically, productivity is the output that a company produces from the inputs that the company must manage. According to Mr. Achmad Ardianto, talent is a part of input (which includes talent, machine, material, energy). Talent effectiveness is closely related to employee engagement (talent willingness) and employee enablement (talent ability). The most effective talents are those with high willingness and ability. The determinants of talent effectiveness, including enablement, are tools and environment, while engagement includes passion and skills. The four elements must be complemented by elements of leadership.

According to the informants, the most effective and efficient way to improve these elements is to increase leadership, so that other elements can be raised. A leader must be able to motivate, inspire, direct, support, empower, and be willing to be a role model. Currently, the leadership model must shift from a transactional to a transformational model.

It can be concluded from the discussion of these two speakers that proper human resource management is the key to success in maintaining and achieving organizational or business success even in times of crisis. The key to increasing the effectiveness of talented human resources from organizations or businesses is leadership that is oriented towards a transformational model.