The curriculum of the Business Management Doctoral Program is structured as a dynamic learning activity that is oriented towards best business management practices. The curriculum design is designed taking into account the same balance between concept / theory content and practice. The curriculum and learning methods are prepared to equip participants to have a picture of the business world and be able to apply it to the world of work.

The main substance of the Business Management Doctoral program is an advanced level analysis of broad aspects of the organization and policy. Implementation of the program, which consists of lectures and research and writing of a supervised dissertation, is carried out intensively. The number of credits that must be taken in this program is 45 credits.

Mata Kuliah SKS
Pre Doctoral Course
Ekonomi untuk Manajemen dan Bisnis
Matematika dan Statistika untuk Manajemen dan Bisnis
Semester 1
Falsafah Sains: Etika Bisnis dan Corporate Governance 2
Ekonomi Manajerial Lanjut 2
Metode Kuantitatif untuk Manajemen dan Bisnis Lanjut 2
Mata Kuliah Konsentrasi 1 2
Subtotal SKS Semester 1 8
Semester 2
Metode Riset Bisnis Lanjut 2
Mata Kuliah Konsentrasi 2 2
Mata Kuliah Konsentrasi 3 2
Prelim Tulis 1
Subtotal SKS Semester 2 11
Semester 3
Bahasa Inggris*) 3
Prelim Lisan 1
Kolokium 1
Proposal 0
Subtotal SKS Semester 3 5
Semester 4
Seminar 1
Publikasi Nasional 2
Publikasi Internasional 3
Ujian Tertutup 2
Disertasi 17
Subtotal SKS Semester 4 25
Total SKS 45
Mata Kuliah Konsentasi SKS
Strategik dan Manajemen Agribisnis
Manajemen Strategik Lanjut 2
Teori Organisasi Industri 2
Analisis Kebijakan Agribisnis/ Topik Khusus Strategik 2
Manajemen Pemasaran
Pemasaran Strategik 2
Riset Pemasaran dan Konsumen 2
Topik Khusus Pemasaran 2
Manajemen Pengetahuan dan Inovasi
Teori Organisasi 2
Manajemen Perubahan 2
Topik Khusus SDM 2
Manajemen Keuangan dan Investasi
Manajemen Keuangan dan Investasi Lanjut 2
Keuangan Empiris 2
Topik Khusus Keuangan 2