Dr. Zenal Asikin, SE, MSi

NIDN 0014088703
NPI 201811198708141001
SCOPUS ID 57218845384
Email zasikin@apps.ipb.ac.id; zenalasikin@gmail.com
ID SINTA 6705036
Place Year Institution and Program
Armidale, NSW, Australia Dec 2018-May 2022 University of New England: UNE Business School, Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business, and Law (F-SABL)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Innovation in Management

Doctorate Thesis by Innovation Portfolio: A System for driving innovation enhanced business models in the Indonesian smallholder cattle value chain

Supervisors: Prof Derek Baker, Prof Renato Villano, Prof Arief Daryanto

Scholarship: The UNE PVCR Indonesian Postgraduate Agricultural Research Award (UNE PIPARA)

Survey funding: ACIAR via UNE IndoBeef Project

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia Aug 2013-Feb 2016 IPB University: Graduate School (SPs)

Master of Science (M.Si.)

Major: Agricultural Economics

In-depth courses: Agricultural Marketing and Trade

Master Thesis: The effect of infrastructure and institutionalization on the export performance of Indonesia (in Bahasa)

Supervisors: Prof Arief Daryanto, Dr. Lukytawati Anggraeni

Bogor, West Java, Indonesia Aug 2006- June 2010 IPB University: Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM)

Bachelor of Economics with Honours (S.E.)

Major: Resources and Environmental Economics

Minor: Development Economics

Undergraduate thesis: The impact of climate change on the income of rice farmers in Cianjur, West Java (in Bahasa)

Supervisor: Dr. Pini Wijayanti

Scholarships: Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA), dan Perhimpunan Orang Tua Mahasiswa (POM)

Type of Publication Title
Journal Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2023). The use of innovation uptake in  identification of business models in the Indonesian smallholder cattle value chain. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Article in press. doi: 10.1108/JADEE-06-2022-0117; CiteScore 3.5 (2022); SJR 0.542 (2022); SNIP 1.482 (2022); Quartile 1 (Q1)
Journal Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2020). Business models and innovation in the Indonesian smallholder beef value chain. Sustainability, 12(17), 7020. doi:10.3390/su12177020; SJR 0.61 (2020); SNIP: 1.242 (2020); Quartile 1 (Q1)
Journal Asikin, Z., Daryanto, A., & Anggraeni, L. (2016). Pengaruh infrastruktur dan kelembagaan terhadap kinerja ekspor agregat dan sektoral Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis, 13(2), 145. doi:10.17358/JMA.13.2.145
Book Daryanto, A., Fahmi, I., Achsani, NA, Asmara, A., Yuwono, M., Asnawi, YH., Suhendi, Asikin, Z., Fadillah, SD., Gunawan., Firyanza, E., Sulistiyo. (2015). Analisis tematik ST2013 subsektor: Transformasi struktural usahatani dan petani Indonesia. No Katalog: 5106023. Jakarta, Indonesia: Badan Pusat Statistik
Book Chapter Fahmi, I., Indrawan, D., Darmawan, A. H., Shalihati, F., Jahroh, S., Fadilah, A., Asikin, Z., . . . Rahmana, A. (2019). Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis 4.0. In A. Safari, A. E. Aruman, & E. Anggraini (Eds.), IPB 4.0: Pemikiran, Gagasan, dan Implementasi. Bogor, Indonesia: PT Penerbit IPB Press


Conference Title
Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference, Abstract Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2022). Gains to smallholder production systems associated with differentiated business models within a smallholder population. Presented at the 66th AARES Annual Conference, University of New England, Australia, 7-11 February 2022.
International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Annual Conference Noor, YG., Asikin, Z. (2021). Business models for engaging smallholders into modern Indonesian red meat system. Presented at the Special Session: Feeding the World 2050—Contribution of Large and Smallholder Farmers, IFAMA 2021 Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021.
AARES Annual Conference, Abstract Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2021). Using measures of innovation and business models to engage Indonesian smallholder cattle producers. Presented at the 65th AARES Annual Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 9-12 February 2021.
UNE Postgraduate Conference, Abstract Asikin Z., Baker, D., Villano, R. (2019). Business model for innovative smallholder beef systems in Indonesia: A framework proposal. Abstract presented at the UNE Postgraduate Conference 2019, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 15-16January 2019
UNE Postgraduate Conference, Abstract Asikin, Z. (2018). Development of inclusive business model for Indonesian beef industry. Abstract presented at the UNE Postgraduate Conference 2018, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 16-17 January 2018.
Undergraduate Level
·     Business Microeconomics (SBI1211)

·     Business Macroeconomics (SBI1212)

·     Industrial Organisation (SBI131E)

Graduate Level

·      Bio Business System (SBI1570)

·      International Business (SBI547)

·     Global Business (SBI131B)

·     Business Ecosystem and Competitiveness (SBI1313)

·     State, Business, and Society (SBI1315)


·    Theory of Industrial Organization (SBI718)

Tahun Association
2020–Present Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE/PERHEPI)
January 2021–Dec 2022 Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES)
March 2021–Present International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA)
July 2020–Present Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA)