Best SB-IPB Graduates at Graduation Phase V IPB TA. 2019/2020


Best SB-IPB Graduates at Graduation Phase V IPB TA. 2019/2020

Best Graduates Graduates Bachelor of Business Study Program, Master of Management and Business and Doctor of Management and Business, IPB Business School (SB-IPB) at Graduation Phase V (11 March 2020) IPB Academic Year 2019/2020:

  1. Laras Insiya Pertiwi, S.Bns (Undergraduate Study Program)
  2. Sonya Dwi R, S.Hut, MM (Morning Class Masters Program)
  3. Tommy Andika, S.Si, MM (Afternoon Class Masters Program)
  4. Dr. Prita Prasetya, S.Si, MM (Doctoral Study Program)

SB-IPB wishes you Congratulations and Success. May the title be earned can bring blessings to yourself and others.