Dr. Zenal Asikin, SE, MSi
NIDN | 0014088703 |
NPI | 201811198708141001 |
SCOPUS ID | 57218845384 |
zasikin@apps.ipb.ac.id; zenalasikin@gmail.com | |
ID SINTA | 6705036 |
Dr. Zenal Asikin, SE, MSi
NIDN | 0014088703 |
NPI | 201811198708141001 |
SCOPUS ID | 57218845384 |
zasikin@apps.ipb.ac.id; zenalasikin@gmail.com | |
ID SINTA | 6705036 |
Place | Year | Institution and Program |
Armidale, NSW, Australia | Dec 2018-May 2022 | University of New England: UNE Business School, Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business, and Law (F-SABL)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Innovation in Management Doctorate Thesis by Innovation Portfolio: A System for driving innovation enhanced business models in the Indonesian smallholder cattle value chain Supervisors: Prof Derek Baker, Prof Renato Villano, Prof Arief Daryanto Scholarship: The UNE PVCR Indonesian Postgraduate Agricultural Research Award (UNE PIPARA) Survey funding: ACIAR via UNE IndoBeef Project |
Bogor, West Java, Indonesia | Aug 2013-Feb 2016 | IPB University: Graduate School (SPs)
Master of Science (M.Si.) Major: Agricultural Economics In-depth courses: Agricultural Marketing and Trade Master Thesis: The effect of infrastructure and institutionalization on the export performance of Indonesia (in Bahasa) Supervisors: Prof Arief Daryanto, Dr. Lukytawati Anggraeni |
Bogor, West Java, Indonesia | Aug 2006- June 2010 | IPB University: Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM)
Bachelor of Economics with Honours (S.E.) Major: Resources and Environmental Economics Minor: Development Economics Undergraduate thesis: The impact of climate change on the income of rice farmers in Cianjur, West Java (in Bahasa) Supervisor: Dr. Pini Wijayanti Scholarships: Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA), dan Perhimpunan Orang Tua Mahasiswa (POM) |
Type of Publication | Title |
Journal | Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2023). The use of innovation uptake in identification of business models in the Indonesian smallholder cattle value chain. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Article in press. doi: 10.1108/JADEE-06-2022-0117; CiteScore 3.5 (2022); SJR 0.542 (2022); SNIP 1.482 (2022); Quartile 1 (Q1) |
Journal | Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2020). Business models and innovation in the Indonesian smallholder beef value chain. Sustainability, 12(17), 7020. doi:10.3390/su12177020; SJR 0.61 (2020); SNIP: 1.242 (2020); Quartile 1 (Q1) |
Journal | Asikin, Z., Daryanto, A., & Anggraeni, L. (2016). Pengaruh infrastruktur dan kelembagaan terhadap kinerja ekspor agregat dan sektoral Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis, 13(2), 145. doi:10.17358/JMA.13.2.145 |
Book | Daryanto, A., Fahmi, I., Achsani, NA, Asmara, A., Yuwono, M., Asnawi, YH., Suhendi, Asikin, Z., Fadillah, SD., Gunawan., Firyanza, E., Sulistiyo. (2015). Analisis tematik ST2013 subsektor: Transformasi struktural usahatani dan petani Indonesia. No Katalog: 5106023. Jakarta, Indonesia: Badan Pusat Statistik |
Book Chapter | Fahmi, I., Indrawan, D., Darmawan, A. H., Shalihati, F., Jahroh, S., Fadilah, A., Asikin, Z., . . . Rahmana, A. (2019). Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Bisnis 4.0. In A. Safari, A. E. Aruman, & E. Anggraini (Eds.), IPB 4.0: Pemikiran, Gagasan, dan Implementasi. Bogor, Indonesia: PT Penerbit IPB Press |
Conference | Title |
Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference, Abstract | Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2022). Gains to smallholder production systems associated with differentiated business models within a smallholder population. Presented at the 66th AARES Annual Conference, University of New England, Australia, 7-11 February 2022. |
International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Annual Conference | Noor, YG., Asikin, Z. (2021). Business models for engaging smallholders into modern Indonesian red meat system. Presented at the Special Session: Feeding the World 2050—Contribution of Large and Smallholder Farmers, IFAMA 2021 Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021. |
AARES Annual Conference, Abstract | Asikin, Z., Baker, D., Villano, R., & Daryanto, A. (2021). Using measures of innovation and business models to engage Indonesian smallholder cattle producers. Presented at the 65th AARES Annual Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 9-12 February 2021. |
UNE Postgraduate Conference, Abstract | Asikin Z., Baker, D., Villano, R. (2019). Business model for innovative smallholder beef systems in Indonesia: A framework proposal. Abstract presented at the UNE Postgraduate Conference 2019, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 15-16January 2019 |
UNE Postgraduate Conference, Abstract | Asikin, Z. (2018). Development of inclusive business model for Indonesian beef industry. Abstract presented at the UNE Postgraduate Conference 2018, University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 16-17 January 2018. |
Undergraduate Level | |
· Business Microeconomics (SBI1211)
· Business Macroeconomics (SBI1212) · Industrial Organisation (SBI131E) Graduate Level · Bio Business System (SBI1570) · International Business (SBI547) |
· Global Business (SBI131B)
· Business Ecosystem and Competitiveness (SBI1313) · State, Business, and Society (SBI1315)
· Theory of Industrial Organization (SBI718) |
Tahun | Association |
2020–Present | Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE/PERHEPI) |
January 2021–Dec 2022 | Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) |
March 2021–Present | International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) |
July 2020–Present | Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA) |