Penandatanganan Naskah Berita Acara

MWA IPB Inaugurates Prof. Dr. Arif Satria as Rector of IPB for the Period of 2023 – 2028

The Open Plenary Session of the Board of Trustees of Bogor Agricultural University, with the agenda of the Inauguration of Prof. Dr. Arif Satria as Rector of Bogor Agricultural University for the Period of 2023 – 2028 was held on January 18, 2023 at Graha Widya Wisuda Building, IPB.

The event was attended by the Ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet and other national figures, Governors/Vice Governors, Regents/Vice Regents, Mayors/Vice Mayors of all Provinces and Cities/Regencies, Rectors, DPR, MPR, DPD, in Indonesia as well as the ranks of Leaders, Lecturers and Tendik at IPB University.

The Oath Taking and Inauguration of IPB Rector was conducted by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof. Ir. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MS, P.hD.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, MSi delivered a presentation entitled “IPB 5.0: Resilient, Transformative and Sustainable”. The hope of Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si, in the future, IPB can become an innovative and resilient university for the sustainable progress of the nation in building a techno-socio entrepreneurial university that excels at the global level in the fields of agriculture, marine, tropical biosciences.

The event was closed with a prayer delivered by the Acting Dean of the School of Business, Dr. Ir. Idqan Fahmi, M.Ec.



SB-IPB Jalin Kerjasama dengan Dinas di Kalimantan Tengah

Pada tanggal 11 Januari 2023, telah dilakukan penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerjasama antara SB-IPB dengan beberapa Dinas dari Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah di Kampus SB-IPB, yaitu: 1. Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura dan Peternakan 2. Dinas Perkebunan 3. Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa Setelah proses penandatangan Perjanjian Kerjasama selesai, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi bertukar cendera mata dan juga foto bersama. Acara ditutup dengan sambutan dari Plt. Dekan SB-IPB, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sambutan dari perwakilan Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah yang disampaikan oleh bapak Ir. Sri Suwanto (Asisten 3 bidang administrasi umum). Pada hari ini, Tanggal 12 Januari 2023 penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerjasama dilakukan kembali secara simbolis di hadapan Gubernur Kalimantan Tengah, Bapak H. Sugianto Sabran, S.IP dan Rektor IPB, Prof. Dr. Arief Satria, SP, M.Si dalam rangkaian kunjungan beliau ke kampus IPB Darmaga