sa ipb 2

Dissemination of Academic Ethics and Community Life for SB IPB Academic Civitas

The Dissemination Activity for Academic Senate Regulations concerning Academic Ethics and Community Life for IPB Academics and Education Personnel at Business Schools on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 in the Jati Room, Building A, IPB Business School Campus.

In this activity, Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani (Dean of SB-IPB). Participants in this socialization were academicians and IPB Education Personnel in Business Schools, both lecturers and educational staff. The direct socialization was delivered by the Chairman of the IPB Board of Professors Prof. Muh. Yusram Massijaya with the team.

IPB Academic Senate Regulation No. 33 / SA-IPB / P / 2019 concerning Academic Ethics and Community Life for Academics and Education Personnel of IPB has 7 chapters that explain how to be good in society without leaving academic grades. One of the goals is to provide behavioral guidelines for IPB’s civility and tendencies in implementing the tridarma of higher education, creating an academic and corporate culture conducive to the development of IPB, providing behavioral guidelines for the academic community, IPB staff, and other related parties in social life and making guidelines for IPB to regulate the implementation of academics and social life.


Naufal Mahfudz’s achievements, DMB 11 received the 501 Fabulous Global HR Leaders Awards in Mumbai, India

A Doctoral Student in Management and Business Class 11 SB IPB who is also the Director General and Human Resources of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Mr. Naufal Mahfudz won the 501 Fabulous Global HR Leaders Awards at the 28th World HRD Congress 2020 in Mumbai, India.

The event, themed Building Happiness in The Work Place, was attended by HR leaders and practitioners from different countries. For Mr. Naufal, this Award is a professional achievement for more than 25 years of career and contributes positively as a practitioner and leader in human resources.


“Rangkul Desa” Program, Connect the IPB Business School with the Surrounding Village

RASA a.k.a Rangkul Desa’s Program is a devotion to the public at once the IPB business school feeds on the villages around the campus. It was initiated by the collaborating social and environmental services of the world bank with the ABEST IPB (Association of Business and Entrepreneurship Students) included as well 26 volunteer student business school cross force ipb. The Babakan Village’s located not far from the campus became the village the target execution 2020 this program.

The opening of the Rangkul Desa (RASA) program was carried out today (31/01). There were SB IPB teachers, including leader of Babakan Village, police representatives, cadre PKK, SB IPB students, and the general public. Official RASA is opened with a ribbon cutting symbolically by Heri Eriyadi, S.Sos as The leader of central bogor district Bogor city.

The program will be implemented by September 27th 2020, with a dedicated group of entrepreneurial, community empowerment, and rural development potential each week. It closes with the market as the top of the range of taste activities and becomes the introduction of products produced during the referrals.

The potential for villages to be developed in the program is batik arimbi as well as handmade products used by trash Banks. With this program expected to be able to take on economic, cultural, and environmental impact on the people of the binaan village and to increase the civitas SB-IPB concern for the people around the campus.


Press Conference Results of the 2019 PDAM Tirta Pakuan Customer Satisfaction Survey

Regional Public Company (Perumda) Tirta Drinking Water Pakuan Kota Bogor with the Institute’s Business School Bogor Agriculture (SB-IPB) conducted the survey results customer satisfaction of PDAM Tirta Pakuan in 2019.

“As for the purpose of the Satisfaction Survey activity PDAM Tirta Pakuan customers in 2019 are profiling or identification of characteristics and behavior PDAM Tirta Pakuan customers, know the assessment customers for the service performance of PDAM products Tirta Pakuan in 2019, knowing the assessment customers for the service performance of PDAM Tirta Pakuan in 2019 and provide input and recommendations to improve service performance PDAM Tirta Pakuan so that the level of satisfaction the customer increases.

Based on the results of the Customer Satisfaction Survey Perumda Tirta Pakuan Drinking Water in 2019, Index Customer Satisfaction (IKP) for product services has a value of 74 percent and falls into the category satisfied. The IKP for services has a value of 74 percent and enter into the category satisfied.

“High customer satisfaction will increase positive performance for PDAM Tirta Pakuan and loyalty for customers. Customer satisfaction survey PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor City in 2019 online general is meant to get basic material for consideration and reference in planning and purposeful decision making improve customer satisfaction.

PDAM Tirta Public Relations and Customer Service Manager Pakuan, Jamalis said, this evaluation is important for conducted by PDAM Tirta Pakuan as BUMD for improve performance improvements. For always can improve the performance of its products and services, then PDAM Tirta Pakuan conducted a Satisfaction Survey Customer or Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) every year.




Rangkul Desa, Ajang Sambung Rasa Sekolah Bisnis IPB dengan Desa Sekitar

Oleh: Asep Taryana, STP, MM

RASA alias Rangkul Desa merupakan  wujud pengabdian kepada masyarakat sekaligus menjadi ajang Sekolah Bisnis IPB menyambung rasa dengan desa di sekitar kampus. Program ini diinisiasi oleh Departemen Sosial dan Lingkungan BEM SB IPB yang berkolaborasi dengan ABEST SB IPB (Association of Business and Entrepreneurship Students) serta melibatkan sebanyak 26 volunteer mahasiswa Sekolah Bisnis IPB lintas angkatan.  Kelurahan Babakan yang berlokasi tidak jauh dari kampus menjadi desa sasaran pelaksanaan program RASA tahun 2020.

Pembukaan program Rangkul Desa (Rasa) dilaksanakan pada hari ini (31/01). Dihadiri oleh dosen SB IPB, Lurah Kelurahan Babakan, perwakilan pihak kepolisian, kader PKK, mahasiswa SB IPB serta masyarakat umum. Rangkul Desa resmi dibuka dengan pengguntingan pita secara simbolis oleh Bapak Heri Eriyadi, S.Sos selaku Lurah Kelurahan Babakan Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor.

Program ini akan dilaksanakan hingga tanggal 27 September 2020 dengan rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian berupa pendampingan kewirausahaan, pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan pengembangan potensi desa yang dilakukan setiap minggu, lalu ditutup dengan bazaar sebagai puncak dari rangkaian kegiatan Rangkul Desa sekaligus menjadi ajang pengenalan produk-produk yang dihasilkan selama proses pendampingan.

Potensi desa yang akan dikembangkan dalam program Rasa di Kelurahan Babakan yakni batik arimbi serta kerajinan tangan dari barang-barang bekas hasil pengelolaan bank sampah. Dengan adanya program Rasa ini diharapkan mampu membawa dampak sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan lingkungan terhadap desa binaan serta mampu meningkatkan rasa kepedulian civitas SB IPB terhadap masyarakat di sekitar kampus.


SB-IPB Achieves the Best Performing Students 1 Bachelor’s Program of IPB 2020

Sekolah Bisnis IPB recited the achievements rejected by Muhammad Azman (Student of The Bachelor of Business Program Class of 54) who has achieved the best achievement of 1 Bachelor Program of Bogor Agricultural Institute 2020 on the Eve of the Awarding of MAWAPRES at Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasution (27/01). Bachelor’s Program Mawapres Rating:

  1. Muhammad Azman (Business School)
  2. Ardella Maharani (FMIPA)
  3. Adinda Rana Fauziah (FKH)

Best 1 will represent IPB at the 2020 National Achievement Student election. Of course, Azman’s success is the fruit of a long learning process as well as support from parents, mentors, lecturers, and the learning environment.

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-28 at 16.26.30

SB-IPB Collaborates with CWMA in Wealth Management Certification Program

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CERTIFIED WEALTH MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION (CWMA) and BOGOR AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE on Education, Research and Community Service Cooperation in Wealth Management at IPB Rectory Building, Dramaga, Bogor (27/01). MoU will continue with cooperation between CWMA and IPB Business School which one form of cooperation is to carry out Acceleration Training of Trainer (TOT) for members of Business School IPB University (SB-IPB). CWMA will also provide Wealth Management Certification Program for SB IPB lecturers as well as students where this professional qualification can be used as a standard competency level in wealth management.

The signing was made by the Secretary General, Desi Armadiani representing the chairman of CWMA association (Catur Budi Harto) and Vice Rector of Cooperation and Informatics, Prof. Dr. Dodik Ridho Nurrochomat representing the Rector of IPB University (Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, S.P, M.Si) witnessed by CWMA Association Board of Trustees and Advisors, Maikel Sajangbati; CWMA Association Strategic Alliance, Sofi Suryasnia; Dean of IPB Business School, Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, M.S; Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Idqan Fahmi, M.Ec; Wakin Dean of Resources, Cooperation and Development of FEM IPB, Dr. Tanti Novianti, S.P, M.Si.


Selamat dan Sukses atas pelantikan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden RI 2019-2024

Selamat dan sukses atas pelantikan Bapak Ir. H. Joko Widodo dan Bapak K.H. Ma’ruf Amin sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia 2019-2024. Semoga dapat mengemban amanah mewujudkan Indonesia semakin maju dan sejahtera


School of Business IPB University Juara 3 Lomba Kostum JAPAS 2019

(Bogor, 8/9/19) Sekolah Bisnis IPB University (SB-IPB) kembali meramaikan rangkaian Dies Natalis IPB 2019 melalui Lomba Jalan Pagi Sehat (JAPAS). Tim JAPAS SB-IPB diikuti oleh dosen dan tenaga kependidikan di lingkungan SB-IPB. Dalam Kesempatan ini Tim SB-IPB meraih Juara 3 untuk kategori Costum Terbaik JAPAS.

Kegiatan JAPAS 2019 dibuka langsung oleh Rektor IPB, Dr. Arif Satria dengan start dan finish di Lapangan Rektorat IPB. Tujuan Kegiatan ini untuk menjaga silaturahim sekaligus menjaga kebugaran Civitas Akademika IPB. Rute JAPAS mengelilingi Kampus IPB Darmaga, Perumahan Dosen dan berakhir kembali ke lapangan rektorat IPB. Sepanjang jalan, tim SB-IPB kompak meneriakan yel-yel penyemangat.

Semoga Prestasi ini dapat dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan dimasa akan datang.


Tinggalkan Dunia Kerja, Mahasiswi S2 IPB University Ini Sukses Kembangkan Usahanya

Seorang mahasiswi S2 IPB University jurusan Manajemen dan Bisnis Ria Rusty Yulita sukses mengembangkan dunia usahanya.

Rusty yang sudah pernah bekerja belasan tahun di beberapa perusahaan dan instansi pemerintahan memilih untuk menjadi seorang entrepreneur. Berbagai bisnispun Ia jalani diantaranya adalah bisnis properti, akun media sosial Instagram, kuliner, online shop dan lainya

Wanita blasteran Belanda-Manado kelahiran 1987 ini kini sedang merintis usahannya bersama Pa’de Jangkung. “Sudah hampir 12 tahun saya bekerja Pada akhirnya saya ingin bekerja bebas dalam artian tidak ingin terikat waktu dan ingin memiliki “Time Management Freedom’, jadi saya memilih untuk menggeluti dunia bisnis,” ujarnya.

Tak hanya itu, ditengah kesibukannya Ia pun menyempatkan menjadi samping kesibukannya menjadi trainner, motivator investment consultant, retail and bussiness consultant dan juga trading bisnis.
