crucial conversation

Crucial Conversation in Practical Approach

On 29 September 2020, Associate Professor Dr. Leonnard Ong, who is the Executive Director of Frontliner Services and also a lecturer at IPMI International Business School, filled the Kapita Selekta Management and Business (KSMB) class with the title “Crucial Conversation: Practical Approach”. Dr. Leonnard Ong completed his S3 from SB-IPB, while the Master of Commerce from the University of Sidney and the Master of Business Administration from The New York University. He has also participated in various executive programs and courses in Europe, Australia, China, and other countries.

The crucial conversation that is delivered is divided into two, namely intra personal and inter personal communication skills. First, intra-personal communication skills emphasize understanding yourself with four self-awareness sources. The four ways of seeing yourself are (1) others’ images through how other people see me, (2) social comparison through how we compare with colleagues, (3) your interpretations and evaluation through how we evaluate our feelings and behavior, and ( 4) cultural teaching through how cultural teaching affects us.

Second, interpersonal communication skills emphasize working with others through communication types and groups to convey goals. We need to understand the difference or diversity which can be grouped into the primary, secondary and tertiary dimensions. Primary dimensions include age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, and mental and physical abilities. Secondary dimensions include communication style, education & communications, income, work experience, geographic location, organizational role, and level, language, family status, work style, and religion. Tertiary dimensions consist of change readiness, values, beliefs, motivation, emotional intelligence, risk aversion, intellectual ability, and learning styles. There are six barriers to receiving diversity or differences, namely prejudice, ethnocentrism, stereotypes, harassment, discrimination, and blaming the victim.

sb visit online new


SB Visit is an annual activity held by BEM SB-IPB since 2017. This activity in collaboration with the marketing of SB-IPB is specifically for high school students to introduce IPB Business School to them. Due to high demand and requests from students, SB VISIT presents 3 batches starting this year.
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Batch 3 or the last batch this year will be held on September 26, 2020. Due to the limited quota, this activity was only attended by 49 audiences from various regions, from North Sumatra to Nusa Tenggara. These audiences are not only high school students, but also include audiences from other university faculties who still want to study business as well as parents of students who have an interest in the only Business School in Bogor.
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This activity is divided into 3 sessions. The first session was filled by Dr. Raden Dikky Indrawan, SP, MM as a lecturer at IPB Business School. This material is filled with current economic and business conditions which are very unstable but have potential and can generate many business opportunities that can be taken by true entrepreneurs. To contribute to this, IPB’s Business School is here to accommodate these future entrepreneurs by its motto, namely Creating New Entrepreneurs and New Ventures.
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The next session was filled by Neldo Irawan as the IPB Ambassador for Business School in 2019. In this session, Neldo explained to the audience regarding the Business School profile, achievements, facilities, learning, and others. This session was warmly welcomed by the audience with many in-depth questions about IPB University’s Business School. After going through 2 material sessions, the audience was entertained by holding light games with official merch prizes from SB-IPB which were distributed exclusively to the winners with the highest points. Participants who are active during the activity will also receive prizes in the form of OVO balance.
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The last session was filled by Cindy Taj Queena and Ihsan Fahmi as students of the IPB University Business School. They were present to give testimonials on how SB-IPB lecturers taught, shared business knowledge by providing business consultations, then explained the SB-IPB facilities that were able to meet all student interests and talents, to useful courses to practice while doing business. Cindy and Ihsan also shared their business experiences that they have done, which they are currently operating, and how they are dealing with the current pandemic conditions which also have an impact on their business. The audience’s enthusiasm for this session was very high with many and varied questions.

community value

Nurturing Community Value for Sustainable Social Impact

Kapita Selekta Management and Business (KSMB) Class E72 on 22 September 2020 presented Ms. Aling Nur Naluri who is the founder of Salam Rancage. Salam Rancage began with a desire to provide a direct example to students at the School of Nature, which started from the Garbage Bank. An idea emerged to use paper waste into handicrafts. After going through a long trial period, finally, a quality craft was successfully made so that it could be exported to Europe, the United States, Japan, and others. The choice of export market is true with the hope that there are not many types but large volumes so that empowered mothers can master it well.

Only one woman survived the empowerment of first-year women to make handicrafts. But Bu Aling remains optimistic, what is left will inspire others. After running for about eight years, the mothers who joined Salam Rancage were around 90 people. A long journey by instilling the value of patience, perseverance, and independence.

From handicraft activities, the garden program and the dongko market were developed. The sakebun program is mobilized to plant around houses and yards. Mothers grow a wide variety of vegetables. This program went well and there was an overproduction so that a dongko market was created to sell its produce. At this dongko market, mothers also sell various processed foods. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Salam Rancage produced masks while the dongko market was run online with orders and delivered to the customer’s house. Salam Rancage’s women’s empowerment program is long-term and sustainable. Mothers are expected to have self-confidence and independence


Market Opportunities and Competitiveness of Horticultural Products Amid the Covid-19 Turbulence

IPB University Business School (SB-IPB) held a CEO Talks and Leadership Forum with the theme “Market Opportunities and Competitiveness of Horticultural Products in the Middle of the Covid-19 Turbulence” with a practitioner and professional resource person, Sandi Octa Susila. Sandi is the CEO of PT Sinergi Tani Indonesia, the Ambassador of Millennial Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Head of Farmer Mitra Tani Parahyangan which consists of 385 farmers.

The CEO Talk was held virtually through the Zoom Meeting on September 24, 2020, and is mandatory for students of the Batch 55 Bachelor of Business Study Program. At the beginning of the presentation, a video was shown regarding the personal profile and business profile of the speaker. Sandi has been in the agricultural business since 2014 when he was a 5th-semester student. The business started with a focus on Horeka (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) and retail. Currently, Sandi’s business is not only in horticultural supply but also in several business lines such as agro-tourism, MTP mini-market, increasing N-user clients, and plans to make smart farming.

According to him, “Farmers are cool”. The farmer is not just a hoe, going into the garden, but more than that. Sandi sparked enthusiasm by providing motivation to maximize the knowledge that we are currently working on so that when he goes directly to the community, he can combine empirical and theoretical knowledge.

According to Sandi, business is based on science, innovation, strategy, strong will, information, and technology, and is sociable. Don’t just wait, but we have to be able to step up, we must extraordinary think and act no box or there are no limits, and immediately move out of our comfort zone. Sandi also provides tips and tricks, namely speak according to your ability: when talking to farmers, the diction is better adjusted, such as avoiding hybrid, disruptive and other languages ​​that are not understood by farmers.

One way to stay afloat in the present is an emergency exit strategy, which is a strategy when facing unexpected conditions. Mitra Tani Parahyangan also collaborates with a vegetable shop. In today’s era, we cannot stand alone but must work together with each other. In addition, technology and digitization are important factors so that businesses in agriculture can compete. The agricultural business will never die, a sector that has benefits. In doing something the most important thing is integrity and credibility. When we want to work in a field we must know the “battlefield”, quality, quantity, continuity, and legality.

The hope is that the holding of the CEO Talk can provide inspiration and motivation to the community, especially students and the SB-IPB community in running a business based on empirical experiences sourced from practitioners.


Business Model Optimalization of Market Mechanism through eGroceries and Big Data Analysis

On September 22, 2020, the Head of Management and Business Select (KSMB) Class R63 and R64 received guest speakers from TukangSayur.Co, Mr. Rafael Jeffry Anwar Sani. The speaker explained about “Business model optimization market mechanism E-Groceries & big data analytics”. TukangSayur.Co is a digital E-groceries startup that was founded in 2016. Its dream is to provide solutions for housewives to be able to buy food and household needs efficiently and cost-effectively while empowering traditional market traders throughout the country. Currently, is present in 35 cities in Indonesia.

Groceries are a priority basic need. Traditional markets have a tendency to decline in quantity, while the proportion of foodstuff needs is relatively high, almost 40%. These are some of the reasons for the founding of TukangSayur.Co. TukangSayur.Co has four main components in running its business. The first is data driven consumer demand through pricing, availability, penetration, segmentation, personas, and life cycle values. Second is the demand supply compilation through personal touch and customer relations. The third is data driven demand area/region through product SKU, market share, availability, pricing, supply chain, and health. The fourth is packaging through hygiene, security, routes, and human resources.

Mr. Jeffry shared the journey of’s business which continues to grow organically. The key to success is knowing customers, competitors, and the community, and collaborating with a supportive ecosystem. Until now, has gone through four business phases, namely learn a skill, apply it, share it, and monetize it. Until entering the fifth phase grow it at the same time to remain sustainable. Students are learning and some are inspired to do business in agriculture.

CV Jambi Sentra Herbalindo

Increasing Farmers’ Value with Essential Oil

SB IPB, Bogor – Essential oil (Atsiri) currently growing as potential commodities for export, which historically was also target of the colonizers earlier. Indonesia is one of the world’s essential producers such as patchouli, cloves, cinnamon and fragrant lemongrass. M. Prayoga Sunandar a.k.a Yoga, a student of Master program of SB-IPB University realize and see this opportunities to develop essential business in his native region as well as one of essential’s producer area, Jambi.

He aware that lot of non optimal land utilized by the farmers. It commonly occur due to lack of farmers’ knowledge about essential as another potential commodity apart of oil palm and rubber. Moreover, farmers exchange rate (NTP) in those area is still low. Finding this fact, Yoga decided to convince the farmers to start planting essential and established CV Jambi Sentra Herbalindo. This startup business has running since 2018 which aim to grow economic independence by increasing NTP’s through planting essential commodities thus farmers have alternative choices for planted commodities. As a sociopreneur who has big dreams, Yoga obviously encounter many risks and obstacle. Besides of capital, limited farmers’ knowledge about essential oil make education and assistance for farmers are highly required thus the farmers will interest for planting essential commodities.

“Investments in equipments and materials are still challenging at the moment. Hence we try to collaborate between farmers since not all of them are affordable to buy seeds and equipments,” Yoga said. Furthermore, Yoga said that most important things of this business is not only focussing on quantity, but also on product’s quality. They presented a tool for production quality level checking since many farmers was fooled and considered their yield is not good if its cheap priced. Hence overall business process, starting from socialization, planting, production (refining, harvesting), until distribution has well planned.

During current Covid-19 pandemic, he admit that the business has affected as well. “Several factories was closed but it already gradually return to normal now. We decided to selling hand sanitizers since there is an increasing trend but it mixed with essential oil, so there would be a difference,” Yoga said. Various constraints and existing risks that faced by CV Jambi Sentra Herbalindo, the business remains survives despite the fact that abroad market has a distrust of Indonesia’s products. It motivated Yoga to develop traceability system for every produced product thus reducing fraud possibility and increasing trust from foreign markets against Indonesia’s essential business.

“We believe this is a huge potential since Europe’s essentials demand has rising, and it probably influenced by people who begin entered aging population so they tend to choose natural product. We also have owned organic certification which require to enter Europe’s market,” he said. Recently CV Jambi Sentra Herbalindo becomes raw material supplier for industries with 35 fostered farmers which offered products such as fragrant lemongrass, betel oil, and patchouli. CV Jambi Sentra Herbalindo has been also working with Science and Techno Park, IPB University who will mentored the business development. Furthermore, Yoga also following exporters program assistance held by Center for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) Netherlands to learn about reaching export market. Yoga’s decision for continuing his education in Master program of SB-IPB University is not aimless. He want to increase his knowledge regarding business strategy on agro-industry sector that he is currently doing, broading his network and relation, as well as knowing more in business-related insights globaly.

At the end of the interview, Yoga convey some messages for peer entrepreneurs, especially that just getting started. “Business is an art, it takes a long process to reach the success. Of course there would be a lot of hurdles, our job to think how we could endure, consistent, and planning good strategy,” he said. Then, Yoga also advised all peer who interested in exports business, “Indonesia own many potential commodities that can be exported, however the most important thing is we know who is our buyer to minimize constraints at a later time. Besides that, we also have to know properly about regulation in every country, countries’ needs, and maintain relationship with our abroad relatives and collegues.”

ceo talk peradaban bangsa

Experience Turning a Bankrupt Company into a Palace of Civilization, the Pride of the Nation

The Capita Selecta Management and Business Class (KSMB) SB-IPB on September 15, 2020, for Master Study Program Class R63 and R64 received a special speaker, Mr. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji, who is the President Director of Balai Pustaka. Previously Dr. Achmad serves as the Director of BUMN Perhutani and Inhutani. He graduated from the Doctoral Program in Management and Business (DMB) of the IPB University Business School and was a graduate of the Best Doctorate in Business from IPB University in 2010. Dr. Achmad also teaches at Mercu Buana University and was awarded the best e-learning lecturer for three consecutive years. He opened the meeting with the Balai Pustaka Poem. “Beautifully blooming Cempaka flowers, the moonlight decorating the sky; We come from Balai Pustaka, the Palace of Civilization, the pride of the nation. “

Dr. Achmad Fachrodji shared his experience in turning a bankrupt company into a palace of civilization, the pride of the nation. At the time of entering Balai Pustaka (BP) in 2016, BP was in a state of loss for 15 years, employees were not paid for 5 months, piling up debt, not bankable, small revenue, the factory was not operating, the atmosphere of the office was a slum and even threatened to be closed. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji came up with a new approach of “change” or “change”, from BP, which initially turned the road in place to running fast like a panther. He presented BP’s vision as “The leader in the publishing, printing and multimedia industry”. The company culture that is built is INTELLIGENT (creative, energetic, responsive, dynamic, active, and smart) and the company’s values ​​are JUARA (honest, superior, trustworthy, diligent, and fair).

To be able to run fast, it takes a lever and a jump. Some things that need to be instilled are to think big by starting big without forgetting the small (Pareto); philosophy of three times: 1x pays past obligations, 1x completes the present and 1x picks up the future; and management more by providing services that are greater than customer expectations.
With Dr. Achmad Fachrodji, who likes singing, has developed the principle of synergy with other companies such as Bank Mandiri, Telkom, and others. His Poem becomes a medium in developing cooperation that can create benefits for BP. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji entered BP in 2016 which lost money, in 2017 Dr. Achmad Fachrodji was able to change it to reap profits or profits that continue to increase until now.

After completing the presentation, the students enthusiastically asked questions so that a heated discussion occurred. Dr. Achmad Fachrodji also gave 3 of his Poem books to students with the best questions. Class Committee R63 (Defni) delivered a reply to Balai Pustaka. “Skinny people learn physics, have dinner stolen by geese, keep going to Balai Pustaka, So Palace of National Civilization”.

seleksi doktor

Selection of Doctoral Program in Management and Business Period 2 in 2020 IPB University Business School

SB-IPB has carried out an interview selection in the context of admission of new students for the Doctor of Management and Business Program Period 2 of 2020 for the Doctoral Program batch 16 (DMB16). Participants were interviewed by evaluators through Zoom. This selection process was held for three days (10-12 September 2020). SB-IPB opens admissions for Masters and Doctoral programs in Management and Business 2 times a year. The Doctoral Program lectures begin simultaneously when the second period of admission is completed. Please prepare to register for the next 1st Period in 2021! Always check the online registration of the SB-IPB program via the link:, contact person 08111108358 (Admission SB-IPB)


Strategy for Post-Covid Recovery, Business Leadership for The New Era and Approach for Potential Investment

The School of Business (SB-IPB) again held the 9th Online Business Talk Series (BTS) which was attended by around 150 participants on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. This webinar presented two speakers who were also alumni of the SB IPB DMB, namely Dr. Bambang Siswaji who delivered the topic “Investment Approach to Support the Recovery of Economy Affected by Covid-19” and Dr. Irvandi Gustari, SE, MBA which discusses “Effectiveness of Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management”.
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The webinar was opened by the moderator, namely Asaduddin Abdullah, MSc who is a SB-IPB Lecturer at exactly 13.00 WIB. The event began with the appearance of IPB and SB-IPB profile videos, then remarks by Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, MS as the Dean of SB-IPB, and continued with the presentation of the two speakers.
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President Director of PNM Investment Management, Dr. Bambang Siswaji started his presentation by showing a circular flow of income and explaining that GDP growth is currently declining, causing a contraction in the second quarter of 2020. The decline in the world economy was already felt before the pandemic from 3.6% to 2, 9% in 2019. In his discussion, he also emphasized the importance of knowing the causes of the crisis so that he can handle it properly. He focuses on the scope of companies, the labor market, households, and the market for goods and services because they represent real sector activities, reflect production activities, and real income from this sector. The flows that can increase volume are investment, government spending, and exports, which are then called injection. Meanwhile, the flows that reduce volume are savings, taxes, and imports, which are then called leakages. The occurrence of contraction indicates that during this pandemic, injection is less than leakages.
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Pak Bambang also explained that there had been a negative multiplier effect during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has a successive impact on all areas of business because it is related to one another. At times like this, it also triggers an increase in unemployment which will create vulnerabilities if not addressed immediately. The government has made solutions, one of which is the Economic Recovery Program in terms of expansionary fiscal policy, monetary policy by BI, and financial institutions. This program is budgeted for 695.2 trillion rupiahs for health, social, sectoral, MSMEs, business incentives, and corporate financing. Based on this, it is hoped that financial institutions can continue to support investment in corporations, and consumption and production are expected to survive or even increase.
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In current conditions, the main challenge that must be faced and corrected is low consumer confidence. Consumer confidence has the potential to increase or the possibility of spending when watching the economy increase, the capital market index increases, and the main problem is that this pandemic is reduced. Therefore, the government must be the main manager of the program well. The program being designed must be clear and its targets must also be clear. The government can also be more active in making direct investments in health, agriculture, tourism, simple housing, and infrastructure to convince consumers because these sectors will stimulate an increase in GDP.
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He also explained related investment in the capital market, investment risks, and benefits of mutual funds. Investing during a pandemic has the potential to trigger positive sentiment in the community. This is reinforced by his explanation that the capital market index will grow in correlation with GDP growth. So, now is the right time for investors to enter. In essence, the government needs to work with various parties to restore consumer and business confidence. He even added that this pandemic could be used to reset the economy and revive it based on competitive, environmentally friendly, and social advantages.

The presentation was continued by Mr. Irvandi. It begins with an explanation regarding Indonesia’s current economic growth which is minus since December 2019 at -1.74 percent and continues to decline until June 2020 by 4.19 percent. This negative growth indicates that Indonesia could experience a prolonged recession. However, this situation should not make people give up. Indonesia’s economic decline is not as bad as other countries it is still better than that of neighboring Malaysia. In this crisis there are three questions, he explained. What do we want to do now? What can we do now? The condition when we don’t know what to do? Uncertainty in this crisis condition requires tactical leadership methods. Leadership styles are generally divided into three, namely authoritarian, participative.
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Among the many types of leadership that can be formed, this way of leadership

SFH Tips 1

Study from Home Tips SB-IPB University

SB IPB, Bogor – In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, SB-IPB University conducted online lecture activities through asynchronous method using Learning Management System (LMS) and synchronous method using Zoom Cloud Meeting as well. Here are some useful tips for study from home using Zoom Cloud Meeting.

Happy learning SBers! Stay Connected – Keep Productive – Always Contribute.