
Welcoming the month of  Ramadan of SB-IPB

On April 20, 2020, SB-IPB held a recitation to welcome the holy month of Ramadan 1441 H, as well as joint prayers remembering the Alm. Dr. Aji Hermawan, MM (Lecturer of SB-IPB and Chair of LPPM IPB) as well as several other IPB members who also passed away. This activity is carried out online through the Zoom application at each residence. The event was chaired by Prof. Dr. Noer Azam Achsani, MS as the Dean of SB-IPB. The Tausiyah and prayers were led by Ust. Prof. Dr. Kh. Didin Hafidhuddin, MSc.

Present at this activity were Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, MSi (Rector of IPB), Dr. Ir. Agus Purwito, M.Sc. Agr (Deputy Chancellor for Resource Planning and Finance), Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika B. Laconi, MS (Deputy Rector for Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship of IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, MS (Chairman of the MWA), Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc (IPB Rector 2007-2017), Prof. Dr. Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, MS (Vice Rector 2007-2017), Dr. Ir. Rinekso Soekmadi, M.Sc.F.Trop. (Dean of the IPB Department of Agriculture), Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Ahmad Chozin, M.Agr. (Head of MWA for the 2014-2109 period), Prof. Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi (Dean of the Postgraduate School), Dr. Ir. Arief Daryanto, M.Ec (Dean of the Vocational School of IPB), Dr. Ir. Idqan Fahmi, M.Ec (Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs), Dr. Nimmi Zulbainarni, S.Pi, M.Si (Deputy Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development of SB), SB IPB lecturers, and other participants reached 220 people.

In this recitation, Ust. Prof. Dr. Kh. Didin Hafidhuddin, MSc. giving tausiyah to welcome the holy month of Ramadan while still full of joy and gratitude in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Always asking for forgiveness, self-reflection, and taking lessons from all the trials we and the nation face. The Tausiyah was closed with a prayer together to welcome Ramadan and pray for those who had passed away. The Chancellor of IPB University did not forget to give a speech related to several IPB members who had just passed away, followed by remarks from several representatives of the Dean. The recitation and prayer went solemnly.


SB-IPB movement cares through the independent volunteer action (RAM) HA IPB

SB IPB participated in being part of the independent volunteer action (ARM) HA IPB to distribute aid to three groups, namely the Daily Freelance Officer of IPB, Online Ojek and Street Vendors (PKL) ) around the campus in the current Covid-19 pandemic condition. Assistance was submitted via ARM HA IPB. The aid was symbolically handed over by Muhammad Bachtiar, MM, one of the SB-IPB teachers to the IPB crisis center team.


Participating in dealing with Covid-19, SB-IPB students conducted a Fundraising

The outbreak of the CoronaVirus (Covid-19) in Indonesia, including in Bogor, is increasingly worrying. The policy of working, studying and even praying from home limits the movement of citizens in order to break the chain of spreading Covid-19. However, there are still many residents who are active outside the home, for economic reasons if they just stay at home. Especially for the middle to lower. This also provoked reactions from many parties, one of which was a graduate student at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) (E67), Ria Rusty Yulita.

The woman who is also the owner of Bakso Pakde Jangkung, Orange Resto from Labuan Seafood, took the initiative to raise funds to face the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, starting from her anxiety when she saw people busy donating to the Hospital (RS), but the lower class people were forced to ignore the policy Stay at Home, and having to find daily money, are even forgotten.

His party conducted fundraising for one week, starting Friday (28/3) to Saturday (4/4). Distribution of aid is expected to be carried out on April 6. The target community who will be given assistance is the underprivileged people who are forced to not be able to follow the government’s advice to stay at home, because of the necessities of life in the City and Regency of Bogor or people who have the term “if you don’t go out, don’t eat”. Rusty thought that if there was logistical assistance, the community could stay at home.

Later, the form of assistance that will be provided to the community is in the form of a Logistics Package with a value per package of approximately Rp. 100,000. Which contains five liters of rice, ten packs of instant noodles to one liter of cooking oil. His team distributed the distribution directly to street vendors (PKL), scavengers or online motorcycle taxis on the road while still encouraging them to stay at home.

For fund accountability, his party always updates the total balance every day as a result of the contributions of various participating parties through the story feature on their Instagram account, @rusty_frog. And include a receipt for purchasing aid materials that will also be displayed on the Instagram Story. “It’s not about how much we donate, but your concern for us, our brothers and this country. So Stay Home, but we can Keep Help, “said Rusty. 

Source Doc: Metropolitan


SB-IPB and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Hold a Short Course and Company Visit to Europe

Prof. Dr. M. Syamsul Maarif, MEng as representative SB-IPB collaborates with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan conducts Short Course and Company Visit Activities to Europe on 25 – 26 February 2020. This activity given to the Best Employees of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan selected in 2019 from all over Indonesia. Short Course and Company Visit to Europe Activities it is not just about giving “gifts experience ”in the form of traveling abroad it also serves other, more useful purposes in the long term to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan namely in the form of insight and knowledge.

In the Company Visit activity, the companies visited were TK Insurace and Airbus. As for the short course program, it was filled by academics from Hochschule Bremen and the Ministry of Health and Protection of Women and Consumers.

Our thanks also go to Hochschule Bremen for their assistance in putting this program together so that it can run very well.


SB-IPB and FKH IPB Initiate Collaboration to Open Programs Master in Animal Health Business Management Concentration

IPB Business School carried out discussion activities with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) IPB on Saturday, February 22, 2020. The discussion was held in preparation for the opening of the cooperation class between SB IPB and FKH IPB related to the Master Program (S2) and Doctoral Program (S3) Management Concentration Animal Health Business. Hopefully we can provide a real impact on the development of Management and Animal Health Business to be released soon.

masuk kampus ipb

SB-IPB at the “Masuk IPB” Chapter IPB

IPB Business School is one of the partnerships in the Try Out to Enter the Campus Chapter of IPB. SBMPTN Try Out Event to Enter Campus IPB Chapter has been held on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at Graha Widya Wisuda, Bogor Agricultural University with a total of 2000 participants. This event is a Try Out event SBMPTN that does not only focus on testing capabilities participants in facing SNMPTN and SBMPTN 2020, Entering the Campus Chapter IPB presents IPB University Campus Tour, Campus Expo and Bazzar. IPB Business School opened its own booth for make it easier for participants who want to get complete information about IPB’s Bachelor of Business Study Program University.

After doing the SBMPTN try out, the participants received a motivational seminar which was delivered directly by the CEO of MasukKampus, Indra Sugianto. Indra explained the strategy for entering higher education State, one of which is to set the choice of majors adjust to the required statistical data in each chosen department. Biggest hope from this Try Out activity can reach more participants to help prepare for college entry high, and to the participants to keep their spirits up achieve a dream to be accepted into university best with the desired majors.

SB-IPB at the Masuk IPB Chapter IPB

IPB Business School is one of the partnerships in the Try Out to Enter the Campus Chapter of IPB. SBMPTN Try Out Event to Enter Campus IPB Chapter has been held on Saturday, January 4, 2020 at Graha Widya Wisuda, Bogor Agricultural University with a total of 2000 participants. This event is a Try Out event SBMPTN that does not only focus on testing capabilities participants in facing SNMPTN and SBMPTN 2020, Entering the Campus Chapter IPB presents IPB University Campus Tour, Campus Expo and Bazzar. IPB Business School opened its own booth for make it easier for participants who want to get complete information about IPB’s Bachelor of Business Study Program University.

After doing the SBMPTN try out, the participants received a motivational seminar which was delivered directly by the CEO of MasukKampus, Indra Sugianto. Indra explained the strategy for entering higher education State, one of which is to set the choice of majors adjust to the required statistical data in each chosen department. Biggest hope from this Try Out activity can reach more participants to help prepare for college entry high, and to the participants to keep their spirits up achieve a dream to be accepted into university best with the desired majors.


Sharing of Journal SB-IPB Management

(Bogor, 1/10/18) Pengelola Jurnal Sekolah Bisnis IPB menerima kunjungan Dosen Kemenristek DIKTI yang magang di IPB guna belajar terkait Pengelelolaan Jurnal SB-IPB. Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Chief Editor Jurnal SB-IPB, Dr. Idqan Fahmi, MEc menyampaikan materi sharing pengelolaan Jurnal SB-IPB.

Sekolah Bisnis IPB, memiliki  3 Jurnal yaitu Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis (Terakreditasi),  Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) (Terakreditasi), dan Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE)(Terakreditasi).

“Dalam membangun sebuah terbitan jurnal maka yang utama adalah tujuan awal penerbitan jurnal dan penamaan jurnal. Hal ini, merupakan pondasi awal. Di Samping itu, perlu komitmen guna keberlangsungan Jurnal itu sendiri”, Pungkas Dr. Idqan Fahmi.

Kegiatan ini diikuti 16 peserta dari berbagi universitas swasta di indonesia. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab.


Terima Kasih Telah Peduli Lombok

Sekolah Bisnis IPB bekerjasama dengan EMBRACE mengalang dana bantuan untuk korban bencana gempa di Lombok dengan tagline “Berbagi dengan iklas dan membantu tanpa batas”. Kegiatan tersebut mengajak semua civitas akademika SB-IPB untuk turut serta mengambil bagian membantu masyarakat Lombok yang sedang kesulitan.

Pada kesempatan itu tim mengumpulkan donasi dalam bentuk dana, makanan, pakaian, dan obat-obatan. Donasi tersebut disalurkan langsung melalui Pusat Studi Bencana LPPM IPB.

Donasi langsung diserahkan oleh Wakil Dekan  Bidang Sumberdaya, Kerjasama dan Pengembangan Ibu Dr. Nimmi Zulbainarni, S.Pi, M.Si. Dalam kesempatannya, beliau menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang berkontribusi menyumbangkan hartanya untuk membantu korban bencana Lombok. Beliau juga berharap agar kegiatan yang baik seperti ini bisa diteruskan.